Thursday, September 29, 2022

Grace & Peace

As a follow-up to my adoption post, I want to be sure to shed light on two things.

First, I know it is frustrating to think of how many children need families, but in our case, birth mom relinquishing her rights was the selfless act that paved a path toward healing for both her and her baby she loved. I affirm with deep and terrible gratitude her decision which I will never fully understand. 

Discussions of dependency and addiction make me think of Paul in Romans: "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

I thank God for loving each of us in our chest-high struggle to re-align our affections.  Life is hard.

Second, I know this isn't the norm, but we enjoy a miraculously gracious relationship with Asa's birth mother.  It was tragic and trying in the early days, but we all stayed the course. It is one area of my life in which equal parts of bravery and boundaries have made the daunting doable. 

Because of the complexities, I wrote out Asa's narrative in book form when he was an infant. He's heard/read those words a hundred times: "Aunt Samantha is my birth mom." Though His understanding continues to develop and expand, the truth of the matter seems wonderfully familiar and normal to him. 

She is my sister-in-law, my son's birth mom, and she is my friend. Jesus has done powerful work in each of us and we give Him all the glory. If you'd like to know more of her/our story, you can read more here.

Photo: The rose Samantha gave me for Mother's Day a few years ago. It dies away and blooms anew . . . speaking grace and peace to my heart.

For Starters

Did you know that once an adoption is finalized, the authorities craft a new birth certificate? Same time and place; new parents.

Rebirth. Adoption literally rewrites the child's story by going back to the beginning and granting a fresh start with a new identity, an amended name, and proof of never not belonging.

This is my favorite part about adoption!

Not only has Asa's story been rewritten, mine has too!! I have a legally binding court document stating that I was somewhere where I was not on that gray winter day in 2013.

This brings me to tears.

God, our true authority (AUTHOR-ity) is simply not limited by time or space. Nothing is unredeemable because His love cannot fail.

I hope this truth infuses today (however hard or heavy it appears to be) with freedom and fresh faith.

He's got this. He's got you!!

09.29.2014 👈🏼

Happy Gotcha Day 🎉

 "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us,  to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Silver and Gold

I got a new phone. 
I kangaroo-jumped over all thirteen models that have debuted since my last update. 

It kind of makes me sad to say goodbye to the device that served me so well for so long. Not only had it survived a 12-mile trip up highway 59 on the back of a Nissan Sonata, it helped me organize and facilitate a dozen small groups, a children's camp, and a senior adult retreat. It captured who-knows-how-many baskets, pitches, tackles, and awards. It was with me for baptisms, weddings, funerals, and groceries. The calculator had crunched budgets and checked homework too. I found a house on realtor and sold the other on zillow. Kindle, Audible, Words with Friends. Hilarious and helpful text threads sit beside hoarding stacks of emails. All in a pocket, ready to go.

What a rich farewell.

As I load a brand new small group into the sleek new model, I notice that even with a factory fresh start, there remain a few of my contacts with no last name. Just plain "Rebecca". Plain "Lauren". Plain "Rhonda". Remnants from my first phone with its Friends & Family plan which allowed me to connect with ten people of my choosing for free. Everyone else cost 25 cents per minute.

With only ten primary contacts, there was little need for last names way back when. Especially considering the labor intensity of tapping the 7 button three times to even access an R.

Through the years, the plain names have persevered.

Lauren lives a few hours away now. We saw each other out of the blue a couple summers ago when we happened to choose the same lake community for vacation. We met at the pool like we had planned it. Bobbing in the shallow end with ball caps and sunglasses, we briefly volleyed a few updates on our families then plunged happily into a lengthy discussion of philosophy and education. She is much younger than me, but she has taught me loads about ministry all the while modeling a calm independence that shapes my own courage and contentment. She is goals.

Rebecca lives terribly far away. I dream of the days when we shared Creme Brulee candles, episodes of 90210, and sizzling bean dip in our scratched-up skillet. She married my brother the month before I married Philip. They would drive over for game nights and BlueBell then spend Sunday afternoons lounging until John Madden was the only conscious voice in the room. She beat me to marriage and parenthood, but what a gift it is to walk the path so closely, just a step or two behind her. She leads with humility, grit, and a surprising amount of goofiness. She is simply the greatest.

I see Rhonda every week. I see her three kids whom I nannied and their spouses just as often. We don't have to meet for lunch or talk on the phone as if our friendship were a plant in need of water. We thrive as spring-fed evergreens. Rhonda was there when I birthed my babies. She is the first to cry when one of them starts kindergarten, or trusts Jesus, or gets engaged. For decades we have crafted and worshipped and whispered hard truths. Along with quiet wisdom and quick laughter, she has consistently offered me love, mentorship, and a standing invitation to be exactly me. She is a gift.

I have lots of lovely Laurens in my life now, a few especially fun Rhondas, and some of the sweetest Rebeccas you can find. All their last names keep things neat and tidy in my new phone, while the plain names are still there too. To stay. 

They remain and remind me of how far we've come and how incredibly rewarding the journey together can be. 

Make new friends, but keep the old . . .

Monday, September 05, 2022

A Hundred Percent

Often, people will say to me, "I just don't know how you do it all?!?" 

Well . . .

1. I am not doing it all. I draw the court's attention to the hall bathroom. And the flowerbeds. Clearly I am not.😔

2. I am not doing it all. Regarding the things that ARE getting done, I am surrounded by helpers: my phenomenal husband, a fantastic set of kids, wonderful friends and stellar coworkers. Their collaboration maximizes my efficiency. Sidebar: if we are doing life together, and your efforts hinder progress, you'd better be a toddler or have a note from your doctor.😏

3. I am not doing it all. I mainly do what is important to me. There is a boat load of things you might assume I do, but [not sorry] I don't. For example, I don't: separate or pre-soak laundry, make breakfast (except for Thursday supper), watch TV, decorate for more than 3 hours for Christmas, shop in person, iron more than twice a year, call friends to chat, scrub shower curtains, watch movies, dice or mince any vegetable for any recipe (I will happily chop, but God gave you teeth ... let's work together, K?).👊🏼

4. I am not doing it all. There are so many things I wish I could consistently do better like pray with my kids one-on-one, exercise, take photos and keep them organized,  be sweet after 7pm . . . The list is long. 😶

5. I am not doing it all. Any good you see me doing is evidence of God living in me. God is doing. My part is the being. (I am old and still learning to get my part right.) To behold and become. To stay humble and hungry. To live satisfied and surrendered. To move about with power and purpose . . . worshiping, waiting, and watching as promises are fulfilled. 🙏

And for days when I find myself discontent, disengaged, or discouraged . . . God is faithful to find me, and too loving to leave me there. 🙌🏼

He really does it all.💛