Thursday, September 12, 2019

For Your Eyes Only

For months I’ve been bothered by my thinning eyelashes. Every time I swipe up with mascara, I am convinced more lashes have fallen out. I wonder if they have somehow relocated to the lower chin region, but frustration accompanies every stare into the mirror, nonetheless.

Anyway, a couple weeks ago, after hearing my shrinking-lash lament, my friend gifted me some growth serum for my birthday. With gratitude and determined hope, I have applied the clear liquid every night before bed.

Now, 15 days later, when I look in the mirror, my lashes look thicker! I gently scroll the mascara up across what seem to be lengthy, lush lashes. I blink three times and gaze again. Yep! I can definitely see a difference.

I fully realize there is zero percent chance that any perceivable change has occurred.

But I’m looking for evidence of growth, and I swear I can see it. Before, I was looking for evidence of thinning and I promise I could see it.

Whatever we are looking for, I believe we will find it.
When I am looking for offense, I will surely pick up on it. When I look for the best in people, I will graciously discover it. When I watch for disappointment, I see it clearly. When I scan my landscape for fulfillment, I faithfully find it.

If I focus on my shortcomings, those limitations begin to define me. If I consistently do the things, and believe growth is happening, before I realize it, I am confidently stepping into that flourishing identity.