Saturday, September 12, 2020

Faith For The Journey

I am rounding a bend, begging God to speak to me, to show me where to stand and when to move.

I believe with my whole heart that he can reveal Himself, so I watch for a burning bush, I listen for audible guidance, I wait for the mountains to move.

But He seems stationary and still, as if to be slowly and silently blinking back while I stare into His presence.

All I can discern is a directive rhythm. A faint cadence to follow: Keep stepping. Keep seeking. Keep surrendering. 

Courage and calling combust deep in my soul until the daunting seems doable. I can see Him.

Scriptural lyrics stream through my mind - gently carving a curvy path for my heart to follow. I can hear Him.

Little by little, step by step, around this bend and that, I keep following until the mountains that had towered before me now lay low behind me.

Faith. The kind that moves mountains. That is what He wants to grow inside of me. And you.

Keep stepping. Keep seeking. Keep surrendering. He's got this.