Sunday, December 20, 2020

Faithful and True

One year ago my sister-in-law, Samantha, gave us the sweetest gift by inviting us to share in her new beginning. She and Chris were baptized and married right on our back patio! ❤

Recently, she sent several of us the following message. I asked her for permission to share because it feels criminal to keep all this beauty and grace under wraps. This "Happy Anniversary" is filled with bright hope and beautiful glimpses of ordinary-made-holy. Our redeemer is faithful and true.

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This past year has been a struggle for most of the world, but for me, it's been the best year of my life. God saw me and delivered me. During 2020 I've lived "my best life" with God's grace, mercy, love and blessings.

Literally overnight, God changed my life. I was an empty shell; homeless, hopeless, an I.V. drug addict who was resigned to my fate one day. But the next day, Chris found me, loved me despite our past, and Jesus showed me my future. I have never looked back. I have not even wanted to look back. 

I am married to the kind of man my Daddy was - not perfect, a little rough around the edges but at the end of the day, a good man whom I can trust to do right by me, no matter the cost to him. Chris loves me the way I need to be loved, without him even knowing that's the way he loves me. I became a mother, grandmother, sister and daughter again as well.

I've been clean one year. That alone, for this addict of 20 years, is a miracle. That was just the beginning of what Jesus had in store for me. I am redeemed through Jesus Christ. I am blessed within every aspect of my life. I am humbled more, every day by His love for me.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord isn’t slow about keeping his promises, as some people think he is. In fact, God is patient, because he wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost.