Monday, January 23, 2012

I Am Weak, But He Is Strong

I could see it, but  I couldn't touch it.  It was everywhere!

One of the man cubs had overestimated the capacity of our washing machine, so during the bumpy spin cycle, the heavy box of powdered stain remover had hopped and scooted, danced and shuffled, across the top of the washer.  Eventually, it fell off the back edge and spilled onto the floor behind the washer and dryer.

I could see it, but I couldn't touch it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Multitude 1.16.12

Giving thanks to God in community for His gifts ...

the sky blue plate of diffused light glowing through rippled fluffs of dark gray clouds

my children who not only look like me, but sound like me, and act like me...
(Lord, if I could only reflect You, there would be no fear of their reflections of me.  Help me.)

a friend and my fella praying light into my despair....silent love chasing shadows away

songs on the piano
sisters playing sweetly
cell phones that bring much-needed friendships to your own patio...instantly

Monday, January 09, 2012

Multitude 1.9.12

Giving thanks to God in community for His gifts ...

I am grateful...

...that He created me to be sensible and sober minded,
that occasionally, I bring about a giggle:)
and that He is REcreating me to be sensitive and drunk with joy.

...for swing sets,
and love seats,
and sweet rolls at dawn.

I thank God for...

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Problem reSolved

I didn't even make one.  I rebelled against the entire idea of New Year's resolutions.  From years past, we know the ONLY thing I'll be able to do without a doubt is FAIL.  Even if I succeeded 3 or 12 or 30 or 62 days in a row, one day I'll eventually stumble or fall or crash.

Since Saturday, I have quietly sat...passive and purposefully non-pensive...while January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd have slipped into history.  With caution, I have considered all the possible areas for resolute improvement.  The volume of opportunity staggers the imagination.

I could...

Monday, January 02, 2012

Multitude 1/2/12

Giving thanks to God in community for His gifts ...


the vast play list of lyrical Truth that overflows from my toddler's heart
"Amazing graith, how thweet the thound"
"So... hop down, turn around, give your heart to Him!!"

the five-year-old cleaning out the bathroom drawers without being asked...
then stating that "$4 is the lowest" she'll go, and "$6 is the highest" she'll go.

the way my older daughters play happily with guests...
even when those visitors could easily be described as "stinky boys".

the smile on my second-born's face as I finally arrive at a suitable suggestion for
celebrating his birthday.

answered prayers in the eldest's life...
glimmers of hope & happiness.

tough times,
total dependence on God
tender redemption
true joy

not-so-silent nights
the compulsion to create something wonderful
encouragement & thoughtful criticism
courage to continue
careful to keep in step