Monday, January 16, 2012

Multitude 1.16.12

Giving thanks to God in community for His gifts ...

the sky blue plate of diffused light glowing through rippled fluffs of dark gray clouds

my children who not only look like me, but sound like me, and act like me...
(Lord, if I could only reflect You, there would be no fear of their reflections of me.  Help me.)

a friend and my fella praying light into my despair....silent love chasing shadows away

songs on the piano
sisters playing sweetly
cell phones that bring much-needed friendships to your own patio...instantly

apple cider vinegar
Bar.B.Q.  yum!

a blank legal pad of paper
a crisp, chunky pile of post-it notes
kitchen lemon hand soap

the reading lamp above my bed
walking shoes
a sweet man who knows these are important to me

children singing hymns
the hallway of closed doors...
... hums with muffled excitement as men teach God's Word
my littlest one exclaiming, "YES!  We get to go to church!"

friends who speak truth and spread hope when I'm confused and discouraged
miraculous timing
a Creator who loves me so much, it's unimaginable...but believable all the same

"Casual is the key." 
(Philip's instructions for keeping our dinner outing simple and fun.)

kind words of encouragement to a old friend who has blindly purchased the lie

the hope of reading SEVEN by Jen Hatmaker soon!