Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY Tuesday, August 25, 2010...

Outside my window...It's amazing the difference 10 degrees can make....especially when it's the 10 between 97 and 87. With a strong breeze, it's almost manageable:)

I am dad's memorial service. random. a friend's dad passed away this morning, so perhaps not so random now that I connect the dots.

I am thankful new plaid couch. Already, there have been stacks of books read, loads of laundry folded, and all kinds of snugly people just piled all up on it. happiness.

I am creating...a grocery list and editing my continuous to-do list.

I am be sweet tomorrow. Today was a big fat challenge. I failed. No one deserves a crabby nag.

I am reading...Magazines that have gathered dust all month. I finally finished "So Long Insecurity" last night. (That's a whole blog in itself:)

I am hoping...the James and Katie have a safe trip tomorrow. It will be so nice to have them around.

On my mind... How fragile my emotional stability seems at times...I can go from "fine" to "very not fine" in a fraction of a moment. And unlike almost every other season of my life...I have zero hormonal issues on which to cast the blame. Shucks. I must be bonkers.

From the learning rooms...We have had a super week. The girls seem to enjoy their new video classes --I'm teaching language arts this year and Pre-K...all other instruction is streamed.

The boys are showing mediocre signs of I dare say? Perhaps they've realized I am NOT going to wake up some morning and say, "You know, fellas, I was just kidding about that whole school deal..." (I've also implemented the "bread & water for dinner unless your work is turned in" policy. Instant maturity:)

Noticing that...satan is a punk. I am distinctly at odds with his entire agenda.

"[She] will have no fear of bad news; [her] heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. [Her] heart is secure, [she] will have no fear; in the end [she] will look in triumph on her foes." Psalm 112:7-8

Pondering these words... "We are aflame with God's glory and radiating with the light of His knowledge in the exquisite face of His Son, Jesus Christ. And we're insecure? What kind of lies have we believed all this time? We, of all people on the earth, possess the reason, the residence, and the ongoing revelation to be, of all things, most secure." --Beth Moore

From the kitchen...chicken enchiladas tomorrow and then a much-needed trip to the grocery.

Around the house...everyone is in bed save the master and his queen. We are separately enjoying the silent, peaceful, down-time.

As for the house: The living room is a little "off". I added a couch while contemplating a tv relocation project, so with too many couches arranged sporadically throughout the space, the poor recliners don't know what to do. I'm three table lamps shy of a full-scale furniture show room. No kidding.

One of my favorite Q & A with the kids. If I'm not careful, this can morph into one of my largest annoyances, but with kingdom focus, their inquiries and mysteries are wonderful.

Today I was asked, "Will you be my mom in heaven?" "If James is coming tomorrow, do I only need to sleep one more time and then he'll be here?" "Did you get in trouble for saying strong words when you were in jr. high?" and "Do you ever get scared when you think that heaven will never end?"

From my picture journal...Nastiest cake wish ever declared: "I would like pink cake with pink icing with colored marshmallows ALL over it!"

dutifully granted to the most delightful 4 year old in our home.
Happy Birthday, Mari Alice!

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