Monday, March 30, 2009

Had to Do It

The boys are getting fidgety about James' upcoming relocation. They want to make sure that they have taken ample excursions and spent plenty of quality time together before they are separated by miles and months.

Saturday, Landen reminded (read: required) James to take them somewhere awesome soon. " on a hike, or something..."

When baseball games were cancelled due to muddy fields, Saturday afternoon opened wide up! JW, Luke & Landen went to play basketball, shop for major snacks, and then fished in a pond.

JW walked in and announced, "We got LP's mandate taken care of." I agreed that Landen had been a little demanding, but was surprised to hear JW use a word like 'mandate'. "No, we got LP's MAN DATE taken care know, guy QT stuff."

And THAT's when I decided this must be blogged. To pass up a play on words like that is almost criminal. So there you have it. Plus one photo from Christmas where JW is being bashful and LP pulls a sly point/pick but still looks really guilty.