Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You Might Be Married to a Redneck...

If 5 out of 8 people (male and female) sitting around your dinner table are wearing camo...

If your two year old can distinguish her daddy's dual exhaust Chevy V-8 from the other ones on the block...

If ALL of the Creative Writing essays you grade begin with "Once upon a time, my daddy and I were deer hunting..."

If your husband owns a flashlight (as Lisa Smartt says, "the size of Colorado") and all the kids know where it is and how to charge it...

If your husband calls at 2:30 in the afternoon and asks which of the children deserve to go hunting today...

If when discussing the dissection of a frog with your sons, they assure you it won't be necessary because last night when Daddy gutted the deer, he showed us the liver, small intestine, ribs and "ever'thang"...

If 60% of your freezer space is occupied by stuff wrapped in white butcher paper with your husband's initials...

You might be married to a redneck.

AND...Last, but SO not least...
(I'm not making this up...like it's still basically happening outside as I type)

If you hear your husband drive into the driveway, and then immediately hear a shotgun blast, and then one of your children races in the door to exclaim that daddy just shot a wild boar that was headed into our neighborhood...

You are MOST CERTAINLY, yet happily married to a redneck!