Monday, November 03, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, Monday, November 3, 2008

Outside My Window...crisp morning air breezing across a messy patio that speaks of all the effort offered toward a new bathroom.

I am thinking...that I am a rich and blessed woman. The Lord has been so good to me. He has basically given me exactly what I would have chosen. In so many ways He grants my preferrences. And in the ways He has not, I submit what I perceive as my preferrences to His perfect will.

I am thankful brother, James. He is such a blessing to have around. I absolutely enjoy his personality, wisdom, and wit. And he's just so darn cute.

From the kitchen... Leftovers for today. I'll cook for Rebecca & Amy tomorrow. I bought bananas this week and wouldn't you know it? These folks are gonna be the life o' me! Good news, Amy! Banana bread just officially made the menu.

I am wearing...jeans and a black tee ol' standby. No matter the time of year, you can totally get away with this ensemble. No ironing, no shoe anxiety, just get it and go!

I am creating...the final, polished notes for the retreat. (I promise after next week you won't have to listen to my mental consummation concerning this ladies' retreat.) I am SO excited, I can hardly wait.

I am take a break from blogger and facebook this week, so I'm sure to use every available moment to invest in what God wants to do through us this weekend. I'll be back next Monday. I'll still check email, if you miss me:)

I am reading...American Girl, Kit; ESV study Bible; the biography of Eric Liddell (chariots of fire dude), and Lisa Smartt's first book.

I am make each of my children feel special in some unique way this week.

I am hearing...a quarter slide round and round like an extreme skateboarder inside my dryer. I should go rescue it. Perhaps it's having fun. I'll wait.

Around the house... one handsome husband, five beautiful children, one awesome brother, one clean dog, and too many dirty clothes to discuss. (not one thing has changed since last week)

One of my favorite the entire first season of Little House on the Prarie that we own on DVD. It truly is "family" entertainment.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...This is the symbolic backdrop of my life. These are the two dominating stags that set the tone for our entire existence. Aren't they cute?

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...My AWESOME sister-in-law is coming for a visit on Tuesday, and choir is Wednesday. Other than that, my eyes are set toward Friday & Saturday. Focus, focus, focus!

Enjoy other Daybooks at The Simple Woman.