Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Two New Blonds on the Block

I've added two links under friends and family.

Amy Burrow is the "schilly schister" to my oh-so-silly-sister-in-law, Rebecca. (We were all roomies many, many years ago.) I'm so excited about Amy joining bloggerville because she has moved with her darling family back to East Texas and now I can lock in that oh-so-close feeling by catching up on a regular basis.

Christina Peteet and I met at MOPs...or in Kathy's driveway that was next door to "Mark'n'Christina's"'s all one big word that you have to say together...I can't remember the chronology of it, but I majorly enjoy this chick. She is a very fun girl who tells the tales of her family's adventures with great skill and gifted humor. I travel vicariously through her. What a trip!