Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorable Day

What a wonderful day! The kids and I made a special breakfast for Philip, then greeted him in bed with an energetic rendition of "Happy Birthday". He spent the day exactly as he wished. Saturday was honorary Birthday Fishing Day, so he piddled outdoors with the mower, the boat, and a couple of the bikes. His absence from the house afforded me plenty of time to cook and bake a cake. We surprised him this evening by inviting some friends over for dinner, cake, and games. After dinner, there were about 15-20 people in every direction playing baseball in the backyard....I mean they were literally playing baseball (with tennis balls) in every direction. It was a good time.

Textbooks should arrive this week! Ready, set, learn!

Thank you, God, for big back yards and air-conditioned dining rooms, and for good friends to fill them up.