Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Simply Sharing

What an unexpected treat these journal memories are for me tonight! ❣

1. That sixth baby was born June EIGHTH before the sibling shirts were even made. 🤯
2. Thirteen years later and Philip is working storms tonight. Bless. 💙
3. What a gift it was to have my brother live with us for his college years. 😎
4. I have made daily mistakes raising these humans . . . I'm still not sure how I feel about this particular day's tactics toward my beloved second-born. Mercy. 🙏
5. We were so rich. Not an extra twenty to spend ... but oh, so rich.💕 
6. I loved me some word-weaving even way back when.😊

FOR TODAY: Monday, April 13, 2009 

Outside my window: surprisingly cool night air stirs the sounds as neighborhood dogs bark, and trucks haul freight up and down the highway. 

I am thinking: about Philip. He has been working the tornado damage in Mena, Ark, since Saturday. He called tonight and said "It's bad." He sounded so tired. I feel badly for him. He is in a motel, and they were able to watch "Baseball Tonight" on ESPN --which is an ironic treat. I asked him if he is eating well. He said, "You bet!" I must admit, we are not. Without Philip here for me to thrill and amaze with my culinary efforts, we consume little more than oatmeal and PB&J. Pitiful, really. I heard JW talk to Philip on the phone tonight. "I really miss you, Phil..." was obviously code for "Please come home quickly, mealtime ain't pretty!" 

I am thankful for: a good report at the doctor this morning. My belly grew a cm, and I lost a pound and a half. Yipee!!! That's the way we like it! He scheduled a c-section for Friday morning, June 19th and said everything looks great. 

From the learning rooms: we streamlined the last week of lessons, due to Philip's trip. I felt like it would be a good idea to keep everyone distracted from their sadness with furniture rearrangement, fresh colors, and paint fumes! (It is apparent that JW resents my efforts toward group-wide distraction.) 

From the kitchen: instant oatmeal wrappers lie on counters smudged with PB&J. I'm kidding. I made quesadillas for supper and cleaned up my mess. Everyone is very excited about the Pepperoni Pizza Paninnis scheduled for tomorrow's token meal. 

I am wearing: black knit paint pants and red D-Now 2000 paint shirt. I love putting this outfit on because it has splotches of paint from past projects: Apple Green from the kitchen, Chocolate Brown and Rain Blue from the bathroom, lots of Alabaster White from lots of trim, and just a few thumb prints of Basket Beige. 

I am creating: a really big mess, actually. Philip always teases me about my "artistic" approach to cooking and craft. When he says I'm "expressing myself", he really means, "You've made a big fat mess." The Lord may have spared Philip a great amount of stress by sending him to Arkansas. He would not enjoy my 3-week decorating blitz. 

I am going: to stick to my guns with Lukey this week. Today he sassed me and didn't follow my instructions, so I "gave him a plot of earth" - as JW coins the phrase. I told him that since he was obviously choosing his own way instead of the Johnson way, he would be in charge of his own plot of earth (a wooden chair in the middle of the backyard) At first, he was great with it, because it meant the other kids and I had to finish emptying out his room without him. But after a couple hours, he began to ask to come in. I told him he could manage his plot until dark, and then - only if he wanted to - he could come in and choose to be a Johnson. It was a long afternoon and evening for everyone. We emptied and cleaned the room, had dinner and painted. He sat. I watched him out the window each time I passed the patio door. Sometimes he appeared tormented and depressed. Sometimes he looked beautifully peaceful, like he was communing with God. As I cleaned up our dinner, I took him a napkin full of crackers and a cup of water. "I missed you at dinner," I sweetly shared. "Can I have dinner when I come in?" he asked. I calmly glanced down at the crackers. "THIS is DINNER???" he whined. "When you're ready to choose our home as your dwelling, you will be welcome to share our meals. But today, you have already made your choice." When he came in, he was calm and kind and helpful. Everyone noticed. He confessed to JW that he had "been a punk", but had spent several hours "thinking about stuff". I'm sure that tomorrow will hold new struggles, but based on his redeemed demeanor (and slight sunburn) I trust he'll make his decisions wisely. 

I am reading: The Horse and His Boy by CS Lewis with the kids (in theory) I'll try to catch up tomorrow. 

I am hoping: Philip is safe and well rested. 

I am hearing: the wonderful lull of solitude. A random praise song skirts through my thoughts every now and again....a memory from the children's laughter today floats through...then a stray phrase from an 80's hit tramples across my mind, but ultimately I'm enjoying the rhythmic click of my keyboard and the sustained hum of my tower fan. 

Around the house: everyone is asleep. Everything in the living area is tidy. The left side of my bed is destined to be empty this week. sniff, sigh. 

One of my favorite things: is whoppers malted candy. JW found some Easter eggs in the clearance bin at the store. Five or twelve of them dudes after a long day of painting...fabuloso! 

A few plans for the rest of the week: more paint, more rearrangement, more laughs, more obedience, more oatmeal, more reading. Oh, and baseball and AWANA and did I say more paint? 

Dear God, I trust You to keep Your promises toward Philip. You are good all the time! Thank You for blessing my life. I wait on You while he's away. Amen.