Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Trading Places

After church tonight, Philip brought the kids home. I went to visit Wesley & Maria & Tiny Baby Matthew...6 days old. Yummy! We chatted while I cuddled with the newborn. He was so alert! Following my movements with his serious, blue eyes. Grinning at me -I know he just had gas, but a grin is a grin!

Next I was off to W*lM*rt to buy some paint supplies - and milk, and carrots, and peanuts, and (candy corn -to go with the peanuts, oh wow, if you have not had that combo, you need to go TOmorrow and get some. Don't say anything about the c.c. We wouldn't want to start something.) Philip was tired and almost asleep when I returned home.

As I brought the bags in, I literally stumbled across the cutest thing EVER. Two pair of little girls' camo hunting boots, set in a straight row directly in front of the door. Philip has apparently invited Ardyn and Ashli to accompany him on his trek to pick up the bushhog and take it out to the lease. Since the boys get to go out there all day Friday, it only seems right that they go tomorrow afternoon. As I type, there are two fully accessorized "hunting" outfits lying on the floor at the foot of a pink floral bed.

Oh gosh, "bed". I've got to post this and go get some cash out of my purse and see if Ardyn gave the tooth fairy one final chance. Two nights ago I forgot to go swap out the chomper. Since JW is house sitting across town, she slept in his room. The next morning, I was able to convince her that she still had her tooth because she was not in her usual bed.

Last night I forgot AGAIN. She came in this morning, with her eyes barely open and her hair frizzing everywhere. She plopped the plastic treasure chest down on my desk, and gloomily announced, "Luke was right. There IS no tooth fairy." I was so sad and ashamed. I offered, "Do you think it's because the dentist pulled it out?" "No," she documented, "I've had two other teeth pulled by a dentist and I got one and two dollars for them." She turned to go eat a broken-hearted breakfast.

What a terrible mom I've been. I guess the tooth fairy's gonna have to pay some interest on this tooth. It's worth it if I can get that stinky 'treasure' out of my house. We'll see...

Dear Father, thank You for never sleeping, and never forgetting Your promises. Thank You for giving us someone [WAY more important than the T.F] to believe in. Give me childlike faith. Bless the girls as they get quantity & quality time with their daddy. Thank You for loving us so much.