Monday, October 27, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, Monday, October 27, 2008

Outside My Window...cold night winds, muffled roars from diesel trucks on the nearby highway, a few barking dogs, and 6 recently stripped cabinet doors awaiting their radical transformation on the patio.

I am thinking...that I love my children. They are each so unique, but individually and collectively they bring me great joy. I’m also thinking about the upcoming women’s retreat a lot! (borderline overwhelming) I know God has prepared each of us and that He is going to show Himself to be glorious with “True Beauty”.

I am thankful friends. I have some who consistently encourage me, a faithful few who lovingly rebuke me, and many who brighten my days. I am thankful that I can say, “I am a friend of God” even after I’ve been selfish so many times.
Today, Ashlin disobeyed and ate candy after I told her not to. She was sneaking it when I walked in on her. I explained that even if I had never walked in, it is still disobedience, and I asked her who would know.

Ash: “God would.”

We went into my room and she asked, “Can I please spit this candy out?”
Mom: “Yes, I think that would be wise. Do you know that when you sin, you cannot be a friend of God?”
Ash: (beginning to cry, which is uncharacteristic for her usually stoic approach to chastisement) “But He will forgive me, right?”
Mom: (touched by her softened heart) “Yes, Honey, but you must agree with Him that what you’ve done is a sin.”


Ash: “Mom, I’m really sorry for eating the candy.”
Mom: “I forgive you. Is there anyone else you need to talk with?”
Ash: “I need to tell God I’m sorry and ask Him to forgive me too.”


Mom: “Do you believe that God heard your prayer?”
Ash: “Yes Ma’am.”
Mom: “Do you believe that God has forgiven you?”
Ash: “Yes, I do. He loves me and I am His friend again.”
Mom: “Good deal. I love you, too, Ash!”

Hugs and Mercy

From the kitchen... Luke’s plate awaits his completion of math homework. JW has several options of warm-overs waiting for him in the fridge. Landen is waiting on Luke to unload the dish washer, so he can load & run it. Oscar’s never-ending-kibble bowl waits quietly in the corner. For the first Monday in a month, there is no banana bread. Can you believe it? Ironically, Mom asked if I could bring some to Christmas, so I should perhaps begin to bake and freeze some occasionally. Ok, I’ll put yellow fruit back on the grocery list.

I am & gray work out pants, black tee, ponytail, and glasses.

I am creating...calendars and schedules for this next school term. These should get us through Christmas. (Every time I write that word, I can hear my dad saying it with a snooty British accent, “Have you, by any chance, a shed-yule for today?” – random)

I am stay at home and educate my children this week. Last week we were up and at ‘em so much, we’re kinda behind. It’s amazing how much “home”schooling you can accomplish when you are “home”. Go figure.

I am reading...JW’s ESV study Bible. I cannot get enough of it! JW may never get it back. I LOVE connectors, and with this Bible, the bridges, links and cross-referenced connections are enough to make me giddy!

I am keep all my responsibilities with church and home compartmentalized so I can give my all to each aspect at a time. My brain feels a little volatile, and I fear that with one breech of self-control, I could just go into a mental melt-down.

I am hearing...Philip cutting trim on the patio, the boys rough housing with JW and O-dog, Ardyn coaching Mari Alice through the whole “getting’ jammies on by myself” routine, and the low squeak of Ashlin rolling my exercise ball around on the floor.

Around the house... one handsome husband, five beautiful children, one awesome brother, one clean dog, and too many dirty clothes to discuss. (not much has changed since last week)

One of my favorite the forthrightness of children’s speech. Today the kids were making a generous pile of candy for their neighborhood friends. Only two boys were mentioned, so I asked if that whole pile was for just the two of them. In reference to the majority of our neighbors being retired, Landen sprung back, “Tyler and Hunter are the only ones that would be interested. Everyone else on this road already ate too much candy when they were young and now they have diabetes.”. Okie-dokie, then.
I can hear the guy on Seinfeld, “NO CANDY FOR YOU!”

Here is picture thought I am sharing...I'm just cracks me up.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...My lovely red and tan leather calendar is blank except for Wednesday night and Sunday. Focus, focus, focus!

Enjoy other Daybooks at The Simple Woman.