Monday, October 06, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, Monday, October 6, 2008

Outside My Window...thunderstorms

I am thinking...that today seemed REALLY lengthy.

I am thankful for...Lysol, Clorox, washing machines, and weekly trash pick-up.

From the kitchen...Greek cucumber & tomato wraps. They were fabulous...also roasted chicken with carrots and potatoes. But the floors & counters are spotless...I did'em myself!

I am wearing...nasty old shorts with a nasty old Washington State tee. (Been working on the bathroom cabinets amid the frequent cries from sick kids.)

I am creating...a really long "to-do" list for the bathroom. Philip got ALL involved this evening, so it looks like we may gut a wall or two and replace the sink, tub, & counter before we're done. So much for "I just want to repaint the walls and cabinets." I can't wait until my "to-do" becomes "ta-dah!".

I am trust my husband about the bathroom. He exhibits far more wisdom and patience for decisions that we'll live with for many years. He selected our refrigerator 14+ years ago...she's still running strong with room to store food for 8+ people. Handsome AND visionary, he is.

I am reading..."Let the Nations Be Glad" by John Piper.

I am hoping...the two kids who were [sick] today will not [be sick] tomorrow. Moreover, I am hoping that none of the others will begin to [be sick] at any point in the near future. (It would really help me fully vent if I could use proper, nauseating vocabulary, but I will refrain in complete deference to you, the reader, who shouldn't be exposed to such [sickness])

I am hearing...the movie that JW & Philip are watching from the living room. My darling is losing his hearing, I believe. Too much 80's rock, and the following years of marksmanship and operating heavy machinery.

Around the house...tidy, while engaging in germ warfare on many fronts.

One of my favorite blogging. Ironically, words cannot express how much of a relaxing release this hobby is. I feel better already.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Choir, Retreat meeting, date night?, baseball, and I get to play the keyboard for "Big Church" Sunday. Woo-hoo! And lest we forget the recuperating and remodeling...

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
See? No trashcans lined with bags and paper towels, no Lysol wipes, no "cold rags"...just five happy, healthy children in color-coordinating winter wardrobe. THIS is what dreams are made of!

Enjoy other Daybooks at The Simple Woman.