Saturday, October 18, 2008

Executive Decision

I saw a friend today that I haven't seen in a while. We visited for just a few minutes, but her words were fresh and truly inspiring. We first met while taking Business classes, where she shined as a gifted, visionary leader. We were going back and forth with updates on the kids' ages. I know that after her first child, she went back to work for a while. I asked, "Well, how are you spending your days?" Through a broad smile, she answered, "I'm at home raising my kids and I've never been happier."

Her words brought me gladness. Philip assured her she was working harder now than she ever has, but that the rewards are eternal. I talked about how some see it as a tough "job" because you can't call in sick, you can't take vacation time, you don't get pay raises, etc. Her happy resolve was unwavering. "I'm a work-aholic, so those issues don't bug me. What thrills me is that when problems arise, there is no red tape. As an executive, I just implement the improvements and move ahead. I love living out my own 'cause & effect'. I CAN make a change and see the benefits. The Bible is my policy guide and I just run with it."

How cool is she? "Her husband has no worries, and her children will rise up and call her blessed."

Thank You, God, for like-minded mommies. Thank You for letting me see an old friend today. Thank You for the encouragement You gave through her. Give me that kind of confidence to live out my calling. May Your joy be our strength!