Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Outside My Window...It is STILL raining. Gustav has worn himself out, they say. The rain began to fall last evening, and is predicted to continue throughout the week. Puddle jumping, anyone?

I am thinking...how nice it was to visit with the Flannery's over the weekend. I love that girl! I found a little too much comfort in the Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla, Dulce la Leche??? -which must be Spanish for 'whole lotta mo sin', and Dark Chocolate M&M's. (There is a reason I don't keep that stuff around!) But late night scrap booking and mid afternoon movie/naps are worth the two pounds I gained. Apparently, the one mountainous walk to three bowls of ice cream is not a ratio conducive to continued weight loss. Bummer.

I am thankful for...my awesome brother who will bring milk home so I don't have to load folks up and head to town.

From the kitchen...Cheesy Hamburger Pie is cooling on the stove top. The dishwasher is quietly running, and there is a cold cup of forgotten coffee that has been sitting even more quietly in the corner since this morning.

I am wearing... blue shorts, fish camp shirt, ponytail, barefoot, glasses.

I am creating... DVDs of all our VHS home videos. Dubba-dub-dub!

I am going...to include this simple woman link before I forget.

I am reading...blogs to catch up from the weekend, and the curriculum that came with our Christmas musical.

I am hoping...to get to bed early this evening and that Philip is able to get some much needed rest.

I am hearing...the low squeak of my exercise ball upon which I sit. Back and forth, I rock...stopping occasionally to balance "Indian style" atop. Trying to burn more calories than blogging alone might. (You're welcome for the comical mental image, and you are not to tell ANYONE about this...it's our little metabolic secret. shhhh!)

Around the house... Possessions are tidy, and children are ready for bed.

One of my favorite things...laughing with my husband. Yep. Very favorite.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: A haircut before Adult choir rehearsal tomorrow, Baseball on Saturday, and the long-awaited kickoff of Children's choir on Sunday evening. Woohoo.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is the rough draft of the mp3 (kid's choir) t-shirt I designed.