Thursday, September 25, 2008

Follow Up

Today was my post op appointment with the gastro-doctor-dude. My friend, Shelly, kept all 5 of my kids. Lord, bless her and multiply her time right back to her. My kids love her house. Mrs. Shelly always has something wonderful planned AND she lets them paint. She does not share my aversion to liquid messes. Although, her kids have been heard rejoicing, "Yay, we love the Johnson's house, Mrs. Cari lets us mix the play dough colors!" To each her own...with occasional sharing:)

As I drove across town to my appointment, I soaked up the unusual silence. I prayed something like, "God, you know exactly what this guy's gonna tell me. I trust You to help me receive it with Your perspective..." Then I automatically began to construct the possible sentences I'd need to later share with family and friends. "Well, my report was good. Well, the report was not so good --wait -- even if the report is 'bad' it will be FOR my good, so I need to call it that..."

My Father and I could have chatted and brainstormed all afternoon, but I soon arrived at the hospital and went in. I would have continued the conversations in the waiting room, but honestly, Rachael Ray was on the TV hanging in the top corner of the room, and her show absolutely captivated me.

"Mrs. Johnson..."
oh! I'm up!

In the exam room: more waiting, no Rachael, so more divine discussions. Three weeks earlier, this same doctor had announced, "Your lab work is sharply elevated and indicates that you do, in fact, have liver disease. I need to get a biopsy and sonogram to see what kind, and how bad it is."

I thumb through my calendar, thinking... "What if I need a new liver? What if I'm going to die soon? What if it will be a painful death? What if I don't die, but I will still need to endure painful procedures in my future?" In the honesty of my heart, I am resolved to receive whatever my future holds. My only recurring concern is how to orchestrate five children's lives during a potential medical crisis. I tell myself with great sincerity, "Jesus died on the cross so that whatever you must endure, you may be comforted by the fact that he has gone before you and endured more than you'll ever be asked to..."

A tickled smirk sneaks across my face as I squint toward the heavens, "No disrespect, but uh, Jesus didn't have childcare to coordinate, huh?"

(No, it's more like Our entire life for all of eternity is orchestrating child're very welcome)

A knock at the door, and my doctor greets me with a smile. He asks, "How did your biopsy go?" His tone was like the manager at Chili's, wondering if my steak was cooked to satisfaction.

"Great." I plainly stated.

"Well..." His pause was cruel and confusing.
"Your liver is great. The sonogram showed nothing. The biopsy showed no disease, no damage, no scarring, no fatty buildup. You have a normal, healthy liver."

His only explanation was that, apparently, I am part of a tiny percentage of the population who's 'normal' is exceptionally high. (Well, duh?) I've been trying to tell you people!

I was relieved. I just smiled broadly. God made my liver beautiful in His time; that's all I know.

As the doctor hastily scrolled down a list of boxes, he checked them off with enthusiastic confidence. "There's no reason for you to have continued testing. There's no need for you to have further lab work. You will not need to see me again, unless a new concern arises."

In full throttle comedic defense mechanism, I chided, "Our relationship is over? You breakin' up with me, Doc?"

He giggled. "Ok, now who's being a total girl?"
Then he admitted, "This is the only good news I've given all day. This is VERY good news."

I had to stop by the business office, and by then, my defenses had dissolved into doxology. The attendant confirmed, "You do not need another appointment." I beamed, "Praise the Lord! Isn't it wonderful? I have several emails to send. I've had a lot of folks praying for me."

She smiled. "That IS wonderful."

Wonderful Father, Healer, Redeemer: Thank You for today. Thank You for being near me every single step of the way. I'm sorry I blew You off for a cooking show. You are so patient with me. Forgive me for not being more vocal with my praise while in front of the doctor. I know in my heart that he needs You. I'll be obedient to follow up in whatever way You think is right. Nothing compares to the glory of You! I'm not sure how/what You did with my liver, but it is COOL. Praise You!