Sunday, August 10, 2008

Not to Us, O Lord...

Friday evening I caught a few moments of the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. It was absolutely spectacular. My words will not be enough. Intricately choreographed grandeur. Mesmerising, rhythmic beauty. Pageantry and grace. Resolute unity blossoming into celebratory harmony. Truly a wonder of sights and sounds. I literally stood amazed.

My stance in the middle of the living room -holding the mac'n'cheese serving spoon in one hand, cupping for spills with the other; entranced by the televised beauty -attracted a bit of a crowd. My girls and their friends gathered around me and shared in the awe.

As we watched, hundreds of men extended an enormous expanse of thick fabric above their heads and marched it around the temporarily transformed track in the stadium. Just then, a radiantly elegant woman dressed in fantastic layers of sheer vibrancy began to dance along the top of the pliable platform in motion. It was breathtaking.

Ardyn was so excited.
Full of amazement and hope, she asked,

"Are they worshipping Jesus?"

...but to Your Name be glory, Lord of Heaven and Earth!