Thursday, July 03, 2008

Propriety Restored

After yesterday's rather graphic post, I am compelled to offer compensatory portions of modesty and discretion. However, current life experience is failing to lend anything to report that would adequately fulfill such a purpose.

For instance, I could write about our dinner outing last night...where I spent the vast majority of the evening in the bathroom with one or two toddlers...ultimately cleaning the major "accident" we had been attempting to prevent.

Or, I could share the spiritual parallels I've perceived concerning a disciplined life and... toilet training.

Better yet, I could recap yesterday's missionary story that the boys and I read...the one including minimally clad stone-aged tribesmen...and their "gourds".

Do you sense the underlying theme of my life? Body functions, body functions.

So I shall refrain from putting any current events into paragraph form. Please enjoy this slightly outdated photo of my precious children displaying color-coordinated cuteness!