Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Little Notice

We had one of the girls from our college Sunday School class spend the night over the weekend. I say "spend the night" because she was here from midnight to breakfast each night. She focused her daytime activities around her boyfriend who lives here in town. We enjoyed having a "20-something" down the hall since James has been gone a while. Hopefully she found her brief accommodations suitable & homey.

Yesterday we had a dentist appointment early, then met some friends for swimming and sack lunches. We arrived home mid-afternoon wet and weary. Mari dove down for a nap while the others finished off the sack lunches. I put a roast in and checked email. I had a message from the O'Leary's. They were coming through and wanted to dine. (Thank You, Lord, for Spicy Roast on E-mealz) We enjoyed a tasty supper and comfortable conversation. When you only see folks every three years or so, you gotta cram alot of talkin' in! Their girls are Ardyn & Mari's ages, so everyone played together beautifully. What a treat!

Today I was the substitute "facilitator" (it would please me if you could read that: fuh-silly-tay-torrrrrr!) for Bible Study this morning. We had insightful and inspiring discussion - so much so that I'll save it for its own post. The girls invited a friend to come home with us, so after putting Mari down, I'm pretty much all alone in the house. I'm sure the boys have coached the girls,"If we go in, we're gonna have to DO stuff, so let's just keep playing outside." (works for me!)

excuse me while I answer my cell phone.....

That was Philip. He wanted to let me know that some friends will be joining us for dinner. Okie-dokie, then. e-mealz, here we come:)

That makes 3 unexpected opportunities for hospitality in 3 days. Would you like to take a guess at what this week's Bible study covered? Ah, go ahead...you know you want to. "Finding contentment with our possessions so that we/they may be used of God to bring good to others and glory to Himself."

veddy, veddy intahdesting...