Sunday, June 01, 2008

No Sweat

Ashlin & Sean

The girls and I had a great adventure helping the Thompsons move to Ft. Worth. Heavy furniture and faulty tarping brought about much perspiration throughout the day on Thursday. But we made it! After we unloaded the trailer, we headed for Flannery-ville. Their backyard is so wonderful, it took an extra day just to soak in the fun. We returned in time to lay out church clothes and come to grips with the mountain of laundry on the living room sofa - a literal mountain. (At present, we've only come to one has actually folded any of it) Philip is running taxi service for the older children's activities this evening. Mari Alice and I are about to hit the streets...just one street...our street...and it's really a road...We're going for a walk! Thursday's sweat-a-thon started a landslide of weight loss. I'm gonna see what fresh, new "number" we can come up with in the morning. Toodles.