Monday, June 18, 2007

Check it out

Just wanted to encourage you to share in my joy of long-distance friendships by visiting my neighbors in Bloggerville. By all accounts, my only pre-requisite for providing a link is cute kids. I'm telling you, these gals have gorgeous children! As my great-grandmother is quoted: "I know a pretty baby when I see one...whether I birthed it or not!"

Rebecca's blog is a delight. We have been roomates, friends, and sisters-in-law. She is possibly the sweetest, most generous person I know. If you know her, you'll love keeping up with the kids and "life in the valley". If you've never met her, you'll love getting to know her through her sensitive and down-to-earth posts.

Lisa's blog is inspiring. I have always been intrigued by her...she is a Jacquline of all trades. She wins the "cool-techno-marvy-mom" award. There's even a video of her learning a backdive. I'm telling you she rocks.

Jessica's blog is pure entertainment! No matter her mood, her writings are impressive. She is a "tell it like it is" kind of gal...and has THE best vocabulary! Some of her posts have left me laughing out loud.

Rachel's blog is sporatic to say the least, but she's a very busy girl. She and I have been friends since the nursery, yet miles and decades separate us from those glory days of banana-seat bikes and bean nachos. Speaking of bean nachos, her post explaining her ruptured appendix may have indeed saved my life.
