Monday, June 12, 2023

Leave it to Love


It is time to pivot. But I want to be careful.

In 2019, my mom sold her house in Austin, and Philip and I sold our home in Marshall, and together, we invested in our current property. This place has been such a blessing with its wide open spaces and ample rambling room for every Sunday lunch, all the family gatherings, and especially the many weeks of quarantine. It has offered a good many challenges as well, and I count those as blessings, too. Hard thanks.

All three of us sense the start of a new season that is surely filled with freedom and hope. We may revisit a similar setup later on, but for now, we are unified in our posture to step away.

And so … we have made some repairs, freshened the paint, decluttered the nooks and crannies, and Lord knows we have mulched. My stars, the maddening amounts of mulch. It has been all hands on deck for weeks because tomorrow we have photographs taken, and soon it will be listed to sell.

Four years ago, the right thing was to partner together and buy this house. Now, it is time for our next right thing. But before we step away, we are intentionally painstakingly infusing this possession with effort and tender care so as to acknowledge its value that we know to be true. 

Stewarding real estate investments is hard work, and as far as it depends on us, we want to leave this better than we found it. I'm going to be honest. This place looks fantastic! It hasn't been this wholly clean in a while, with so much love and life left to offer. What a blessing it will be to the next family!

Stewarding real relationships is hard work, too. Every human connection (save marriage) bears the freedom to step back or away, and as far as it depends on me, I want to leave people (or watch them leave) better than I found them.

Whether we're the ones staying or going, before it's all said and done we can intentionally put forth the effort to offer tenderness and care, painstakingly affirming the value in others that we know to be true. Wholeness and clean starts ... what a blessing for everyone waiting out the next season. So much love and life is ours to offer.

It's OK if it is time to pivot. Just be careful.