Wednesday, July 20, 2022

More Blessed


For the years that have patiently and persistently taught us how to live and love.

For these months that have provided a greenhouse of relational growth where love vigorously covered a multitude of mark-missing and where hope led the way so faith could see us through. 

For today, the arrival to this page in your story that stands ready to be turned. A conclusion followed by a beginning. 

For your daddy. Such a worthy first recipient of your full affection, and yet his aim all along was to steward you and your tender heart straight toward Jesus. In sweet and confident surrender, he will walk you, once again, to the altar where sacrifice offers freedom. Every blessing.

For our tribe. Fun/loving helpful folks who provide a firm foundation and a forgiving place to fall.

For friends who need no invitation to begin showering you with love and support. Their enthusiasm and grace are true gifts.

For the one you've been waiting for. "A man among men." He sets the bar of integrity and kindness incredibly high. His devotion to you is a precious gift.

For you, my darling girl. I was nervous that we might not be able to safely navigate these jungles of engagement. But look at us! A lovely celebration reflecting a thousand decisions is here at last. I admire your sensitivity and sentimentality, and I appreciate your honest flexibility. God really did it. You are a gift.

And for your merry insitance on wearing my wedding slippers of old with your brand new gown . . . one more example of the way you notice, affirm, and extend beauty in the world.

For all of this and more, I am thankful. 
And ever more blessed.