Thursday, February 17, 2022

Hat Trick

When I was a homeschooling mom heavily involved in volunteer work and raising babies, it was a challenge to keep everything going. Philip would come home after being gone for 9 or 10 hrs and things looked a whole lot like they did when he left.

My responsibilities were streamlined toward my husband and myself. If we had a super engaging day of learning but I didn't get around to the laundry, inevitably the laundry is what Philip verbally noticed when he came home. Or if I cooked ahead for the week all day long and let the kids play outside and/or help with the laundry, he would innocently ask to see the kids' schoolwork. 

I wore so many hats there was just no way to know.

Eventually, I learned to greet him at the door with a bit of an attendance report. "Hi! The maid worked all morning, the tutor was here all day, the children's choir director popped in during nap time, but the cook never showed up, so we're having frozen pizza." 

That lifestyle was HARD, and I LOVED it. I managed and educated and organized and enjoyed and provided and abided. Some of my favorite verbs.

Now that I work outside our home, and still volunteer while outsourcing most of the formal education, it is hard to keep everything going. I come home after being gone 10 or 11 hours and everything looks about like it did when I left.

I have responsibilities popping in from every direction. Am I on time? Are my kids on time? Do I have good ideas? Do I have my lunch? Do the kids have their homework? What about meals? And hygiene? And emotions? Everybody's flipping emotions. Oh, and the dog bless him.

This lifestyle is hard, and there are parts of it that I REALLY love. But I am not great at all the things all the time, and that feels yucky.

So this is me greeting you at the door of my life saying, "Hi. The laundry girl is killing it. The Alumni lady is basically on her game. Meal prep momma is adorable. The girl who walks & drinks water & reads her Bible is showing UP,  y'all. But the housecleaner and homework facilitator are friggin AWOL."

Also, you know what sounds good right now? To pile up all these hats and ask God for grace and a good night's sleep.