Friday, November 05, 2021

Back to Normal

Everybody's reminding us about setting clocks back. And with all our smart stuff, aren't we just talking about the microwave, some cars, and that one history prof (and me) who still wear a watch?

I need you Mommas to listen. I've been parenting for almost 26 years, and, for the most part, I have zero advice to offer. It's all a flipping crap shoot. Pray. Often. Then pray some more.

HOWEVER, I do know this one thing for certain. Do NOT set your clocks back tomorrow night!!! Don't do it. 

Put them all to bed. You go to bed. Regular. Then Sunday morning, wake up and wake them all up. Regular. Do not even glance at your smart phone ... you lock in on that microwave, sister!

Get ready for church. Regular.

And just when the witching hour begins ... those final STRESSFUL minutes of trying to get out the door when shoes go missing, and breakfast becomes messy, and all toddlers poop their drawers. STOP. Tell everyone to stop. 

And once you have found the shoe and mopped the milk and changed the poo, in your sweetest voice, let everyone choose a book or a chore and you make yourself a slow cup of coffee ... as you set the clock back a big, fat, beautiful hour.

You're welcome. 😊❤👍