Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Prayer for Families

Faithful Father, thank You for Your love that cannot fail.

With divine wisdom, You have carefully established the importance of family and belonging – themes of heritage, tribes, generations, and lineages drive Your story of sacrifice and promise.

And with divine grace, You have radically expanded the opportunities for family and belonging – themes of courage, commitment, adoption, and freedom blaze a trail through Your story toward a place where promises are sure, and sacrifice is an abundant way of life.

For those of us who happily know the safety, identity, and joy that are birthed in a family who is marked by Your presence, we thank You. We praise You for Your good gifts.

For those of us who have had to venture out, and move beyond our beginnings to know unconditional love and security, we thank You for never leaving us. We praise You for Your loving presence, and for the supreme sense of family made possible by Your Son, our Brother and Friend, Jesus.

We commit to seek Your face and to seek You first because Your grace is more than enough.

Over every home represented here, we ask Your blessing. For every marriage, for all kinship and friendship, and for every soul in need of acceptance and belonging, we ask that You fill us with Your Spirit and hold us fast. 

Turn and shine toward us, Lord. 
Hear our prayers, and give us peace. Amen.