Saturday, April 24, 2021

Looking for Lovely

My mom was sick on picture day and I remember feeling INCREDIBLY happy with my self-presentation.
I love this precious girl so much!

Deep in my soul I long for those bright and simple days BEFORE someone mentioned she might need braces, BEFORE anyone commented on her "five-finger forehead", BEFORE she began to use people's opinions to nurture insecurities about her clothing choices and whether or not they cast unfavorable light upon her imperfections.

If I could go back to see 1978-Cari, I'd just squeeze her cheerful face and kiss her on the [spacious] brow and say, "You ARE lovely and so completely loveable just the way you are!!"

Since I can't go back, I'll do my best to love 2021-Cari, and to make the most of the kissable brows of beautiful girls all around me.