Saturday, November 14, 2020

Grace Out of Bounds

I was that girl being horrifyingly stupid and unwise. I lived against my calling. I chose self. I turned my face toward the temptations … searching for affection, affirmation and fun. I trampled the boundaries, and grace found me.

It was a supernaturally protective favor that somehow spared me a good deal of chaos along with the natural consequences of my choices. It was a quiet exchange, and only a few folks were aware of the huge amount of forgiveness and healing my decisions required. Sadly, the whole, holy transaction was secretly and stubbornly held in denial for years.

For decades, my quest for good veered foolishly toward neat and tidy. And in this merciless existence, everyone in my life suffered for it.

There is a way to live more fully.

Our quest for good turns out to be a cumbersome,  grievous-at-times grace discovery - a daily journey in which we acknowledge the mercies falling fresh, and allow grace to fill us - to gently overflow as we speak truth and shine light for the lost. Because God is writing the same story in their lives too, they may one day confess, “I trampled the boundaries, and grace found me.”

It can be a supernaturally provisional favor that somehow restores order and compensates for the natural consequences of our choices. It can be a bold ruckus where many people are aware of the huge amount of forgiveness and healing our decisions require. And if we are brave enough to battle against our yearning for neat and tidy, the whole, holy transaction will be beautifully undeniable for years.

God has established righteous boundaries. Fear him and obey.

God extends his boundless grace moment by moment. Look for it. Live in it. Obey him and do not be afraid.