Sunday, May 10, 2015

Special Dedication

Mother: to care for or protect; to act maternally toward.
Motherhood: the qualities or spirit of a mother.

I am a mother.
I've birthed a child or two.
I've miscarried a tiny precious baby.
I've had more C-sections than wisdom would advise.
I've adopted a child. 

I am the full embodiment of the noun mother.

The world is filled with noun-mothers. Their kids play at my house. Their kids are in my choir. Their kids teach my kids. Their kids are in class with my kids. In some cases their kids are lonely or uneducated or fending for themselves because life is hard.

This fallen world allows noun-mothers to exist and be honored to some extent without always being verb-mothers.
And God's creative providence allows for women to be verb-mothers without actually being noun-mothers.

I believe Motherhood in its truest meaning is a glorious collective of bright and beautiful women who actively promote health and well-being in the lives of those around them.

And it is the verb-mothers whom I wish to honor today. These women who - with or without children of their own - care deeply and pray tearfully and give graciously and invest selflessly in the lives of those around.

For example ...
The woman who invited me as a young girl on adventures and made the most delicious picnic lunches imaginable.
The woman who opened her heart and home to me when I was an immature, slightly obnoxious pre-teen.
The woman who listens as I process my crazy thoughts.
The woman who hosts huge lake days for my family with sunscreen and floaties and several sleeves of buttery crackers.
The woman who offers my kids yard work, the chance to earn some money, and loads of affirmation.
The woman who sends mobile updates and photos of my kids' game to me across town, because she's where I [also] need to be.
The woman who works the hardest and cheers the loudest for the ball team.
The woman who teaches my kids.
The woman who listens to their [super important] stories.
The woman who tells them their mom is not really that bad, and encourages them to honor.
The woman who makes much of them when my attention is spread too thin.

These nurturing, protective women indeed have children firmly placed within their care. To us, they are friends, teachers, aunts, and sisters who share "the spirit of maternity".

Mothers are necessary to have all around ... to influence and encourage.

**(Boys, close your ears [scroll down three lines] or blush because this just came to me and it's too good not to share ...)

Good moms are like good undergarments: they hold you in, lift you up, separate when needed, help you run with confidence, and offer gracious shaping and overall support. 

And so on this Mother's Day weekend, I give a huge shout-out to nurturing women everywhere!
Join me, will you?