Monday, October 01, 2012

Joy Dare 10.01.12

Giving thanks to God in community for His gifts ...

3 gifts finished
the great kids' rooms swap of 2012
the repetitive viewing of "Agenda"
the plate of pumpkin spice cookies

3 gifts flourishing
Mari Alice's cursive writing
Ardyn's beauty
Ashlin's sense for humor

a gift unexpected
an evening spent with a friend

a gift uneven
the number of phone calls I make in contrast to the ones I receive

a gift unpopular
the call to stand firm and speak up for Truth

3 gifts shy
the little boy who simply wanted a smaller MP3 shirt
the little girl who wanted me to know she brought her silver sweater
"only" 54 worshipers in MP3 tonight ... a touch shy of our 69 average. [quite manageable]

3 gifts shelved
organized chapter books in the middle girls' room
organized readers  & board books in the little girls' room
all the girls' shoes in garage for two weeks straight (fellas need to take a hint)

3 gifts shining
Elizabeth's new night light
the tea kettle Ardyn uses several times a day
God's pure Light into the corners of my life ... exposing and expunging. Thank You, Father.