Monday, August 20, 2012

Joy Dare 8.20.12

Giving thanks to God in community for His gifts ...

3 gifts in family
Aunts and cousins - treasured friendships
My mom who thinks of me often
my home filled with children who keep life VERY interesting:)

3 gifts ugly beautiful
the kitchen cabinets - tattered and worn from consistent, almost constant use
my grocery list scratched hastily in writing from three different "contributors"
sun shining through our front door - original 1979 stained glass

a gift in a ring
this story of redemption that still brings me peace

a gift in a curve
brightly colored, translucent goggles on giggling swimmers

a gift in a sphere
whoppers. tiny spheres of chocolaty, malty goodness:)

3 gifts in the morning
a calm fresh start, if I'll wake up early enough to receive it
exciting challenges, if I'll find the courage soon enough to perceive them
"Jesus Calling" and creme brulee coffee even if I'm tardy or tuckered

a gift red
the heart-shaped key holder that Ardyn gave me as an early birthday present

a gift read
unexpected words of kindness

a gift written
notes and ideas, the capturing of my thoughts

3 gifts in church
spurring one another in the Word
sensing the confirmation of the Spirit's work
singing and playing and writing new songs

3 gifts found in serving
seeing others satisfied and full
the joy of being a part of progress & peace
finding fulfillment as you give yourself away