Monday, August 13, 2012

Joy Dare 8.13.12

Giving thanks to God in community for His gifts ...

3 gifts white
Casie's wedding dress
crisp new notebook paper with blue straight lines of promise
winter fresh gum in the dog days of summer

3 gifts eaten
pineapple chicken
a gift at 10am
creme brulee coffee and some emails

a gift at 1pm
read-alouds before nap time

a gift at 10pm
"White Collar"on Netflix with my main man

3 gifts sitting
working a puzzle with Ash
working on handwriting with Mari
snuggling with Giz

a gift outside
our neighbor's pool

a gift inside
the elliptical trainer in a/c

a gift upside down
banana bread in a bunt pan

3 gifts in water
ponies and tractors taking a bath
lemon slices floating around in sweet tea
evening swims as a family

3 gifts found in His word
"I love you."
"I will never leave you."
"I have a plan for your good."

3 gifts found in summer
late night movies
mid morning breakfasts
sun kissed smiles and messy hair

a gift found in holes
billiards while we wait to worship

a gift found whole
a cantaloupe from a friend

a gift found in half
a peanut butter sandwich - just the right size for sister

3 hard eucharisteo
uncertainties about the future
unpleasantness today
uncomfortable opportunities find comfort in God

3 gifts of metal
lids to canning jars
sharp paring knives
whistling tea kettle

3 gifts half hidden
the sunrise in water colored clouds
the love seat in laundry
the sleeping child with eyes and an ankle showing beyond the covers

3 gifts in green
outlined grass that surrounds most of our coloring pages
frozen peas to toss on my salads
the paint color in my kitchen
(I remember Celina promising, "It will make you happy every morning!" Her hopes coming true for six and a half years. Now it might be time for a new coat or two:)