My two oldest girls and I are helping one another be more like Jesus. We each have our struggles.
One is struggling to pursue peace. Though she can quite easily be characterized as "sweet and kind", she often chooses to escalate a troubled situation with returned accusations and elevated pitch and tone.
The other, who is known for her cheerful work ethic and acts of service, is often choosing laziness and poor effort.
And then there's me. One of my MANY challenges is to treat those closest to me with the calm kindness I easily share with the UPS guy or my neighbor.
The girls and I tearfully confessed our plights the other morning and agreed to hold each other accountable to choosing God's best for our lives. I told them, "We just need to constantly have these questions rolling through our minds, so that we stay tuned in to how we are living."
Here's what's on our minds and under our breath.
"Am I being helpful?"
"Am I making things better or worse?"
"Is my gentleness evident to all?"
Thank You, God, for these young women in my home. Help me disciple them and continue to guide us. You have redeemed us. We are NOT lazy. We CAN be a blessing. We CAN be gentle. Help us claim YOUR perspective. Thank You for Your patience:)