Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY Tuesday, October 27, 2009...

(By the inspiration of my lifelong hero, I'll attempt to complete each entry in less than three lines...cheer for me...I usually can't give my name & address in fewer than 200 words.)

Outside my window... The last rays of warm, bright sunshine cast long, broad shadows over our marshy meadow of a yard, while chilly children run and romp along the driveway.

I am thinking...that "needing to let your food settle" is an excellent excuse for avoiding almost anything...even the dinner dishes.

I am thankful for...my husband who loves me when I'm not very lovable and shows patience when I've lost mine completely and remains committed to me despite the notion that I might need to BE committed.

From the learning rooms...no formal education today. MOPS, "Phantom Tollbooth", Monopoly, GoFish, snuggling and chatting.

From the kitchen...Green Chili Venison Stew over brown rice with turnip greens and baby peas. The crowd has mixed feelings about the veggies...I love them both!

I am wearing...black sweats, Texas tee, and socks....it's chilly.

I am creating...a recipe notebook. We decorated binders at MOPS today. Brown and Cream Toille! Happy fabric!

I am going...to AWANA, Bible Study, Fall Festival, and Church...and probably to W@lM@art at some point, wouldn't you imagine??

I am reading..."Turn" by Max Lucado and my Fall magazines before bed. It's time to go to bed just a minute or two earlier...my pile is mounting!

I am hoping...to maintain good health - family wide! So far so good with operation: Dodge the Flu.

I am hearing...Preschool worship dvd in the living room and older kids happily hollering outside.

Around the house...messy, messy. This is the price we pay for a truly relaxing day. We'll get'er tidied up after baths.

One of my favorite things...giggling with the kids. I'm too serious too often. I'm a fun girl, and I need to act like it.

A few plans for the rest of the week...lessons, house cleaning, finalize plans and make some lists for Thanksgiving and live abundantly.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...Baby "LizBeth" (The kids have shaved two whole vowels off her name...not really what I meant by nickname)

To participate or simply enjoy more daybooks, visit The Simple Woman.