Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Yesterday, I was able to finish painting the baby's room. It is very lovely.

I painted the toy bin today - with lots of "help". The girls and I worked on the first coat, and then the boys and I finished it up. There is a 2 x 4 foot patch of "lantern light" yellow in the back lawn. (We'll try to mow it away before Philip returns) Mari was FAR more interested in the dipping process than with the actual disbursement of paint. She saturated a 2 inch brush to the point that bristles, metal, and handle were a lovely shade of creamed butter...along with her hand and most of her forearm.

Just when it was time to wash out the brushes and take a bath, we discovered that we had no water. We called the company, and there had been emergency maintenance on the main water line. In my shock, I think I may have asked the lady, "Will it be back on in time for me to shower before AWANA????" I think in her dismay, she must have answered, "Uh, no."

I started handing out baby per body part...and we just made the best of it. There was not one single thing I could do about my 2-day old hair. After serving meatloaf and gravy to AWANA workers for an hour, I couldn't tell if the overwhelming stench was the food, or me. Bleck.

Fortunately, when we returned home tonight, the [wonderful, marvelous, blessing of] water was running full force. I was thrilled to take a long, hot shower, and bask in the knowledge that tomorrow's agenda does not include the words "sweat" or "paint". I hope to sew some curtains, and read to some kids.

Thank You, God, for a good day. Thank you for running water. Thank You for knowing me, and Thank you for wanting me to know You.