Thursday, August 07, 2008


I could not make this stuff up. He absolutely makes me belly laugh.

(When ordering Canadian Bacon pizza at the youth building) "Yes, I'll take one of those European slices."

(In response to meeting a persistently friendly girl at the youth building) "I can't handle pretty girls...not when they have lip shine on."
[Landen, what do you mean 'you can't handle' them?]
"Well, for one thing, my legs get all wobbly. Then she wanted to do the secret handshake and I was like 'dude!'"

(Addressing his friend who is a twin)
"Cool, so you're old is your brother?"

(Lamenting his scholastic burden)
"You know those 9-week tests we take every four or five months?"

(Concerning the breeding of certain canines)
"That one is a mixed breed, you know, just like a German Shepherd is part German, and part Shepherd."

(In response to the stranger chatting in the McAllister's restroom)
Stranger: "Where do you live?"
LP: "I don't know."
[Landen, did you not remember what town you live in?]
LP: "Well, I was gonna be nice, but then I remembered I'm not supposed to tell our information to strangers, so I just said, 'I don't know.'"

(Strategizing for a future encounter with the previously mentioned girl)
"Next time I see her, I'm just gonna say, 'hey, I'm gonna go hang out with some guys and I'll catch you later.' because she might think 'later' is in like five minutes, but I wouldn't really be lying if I didn't come back for like four years."

(In continued process of the infamous pretty girl)
"How do I get that girl out of my brain? I'm telling you I can't do 100% pretty girls."
[Land, aren't there 100% pretty girls in your Sunday School class? I think (so-n-so) is 100% pretty. God thinks she is 100% pretty..]
"Ok, she is 100% pretty. This chick is 150% pretty!"

Thank You, God, for my little boy, Landen. Thank You for his purity and honesty. Thank You for the humor he brings into our lives. I can't wait to read this when he's twenty-two. I pray for his wife. Keep her safe and pure in Your loving arms. Thank You for continuing to shape him into who You're calling him to be. Please grant me patience and wisdom as we learn together. Thank You.