Monday, August 06, 2007

Internet Poll

I'm heading up the children's choir for church this year. (Yes, Mother, I have time, and it won't be "too much")
I'm really excited about the opportunity to be a worship leader again. We're changing up the format and so I'd like to introduce a shnazzy new name. I think in the past the 4 & 5 yr olds were "Wee Praise" while the 1st-6th grade were "X-treme Praise" or something like that. In the bulletin they have just been "Kid's Choir". So I need your help:

#1. What are kid's choirs called at your church/in your area?
#2. Do you have a great idea for the naming either one of these choirs?
(Music Makers and Young Musicians are the only names from my very Baptist past)

Please send along all your ideas. I need help!