Sunday, April 15, 2007


All the Johnsons are back under the same roof tonight. The fellas returned from the "Big Campout" this evening a few minutes after the gals came home from church. We all greeted and hugged in the kitchen for EVER. I felt like I was living one of those logic problems from 5th grade: "If there are 7 Johnsons, and 3 of them haven't seen the other 4 for 5 days, how many possible combinations of reunion hugs would there be?" I was cracking up at how much my kids missed each other. Philip and I grinned at each other as the boys passed Mari back and forth, calling her "Baby Girl" and "Sweetie Pie". They hugged the older girls, and told them how much they had missed them. To which, Ardyn exclaimed: "I don't think we should ever be separated again!" We authorized an impromptu movie night, and put Mari Alice in bed. The others quickly agreed on a movie, and ran off to the boys' room to get started. Collectively, they are the perfect size to fill up one standard loveseat....shoulder to shoulder. Philip and I enjoyed the empty kitchen as we chatted and shared highlights of our time away.

Thank You, God, for family. Thank You for bringing us back to each other happily and safely. May this phase of sibling bliss endure beyond the morning light.