Saturday, January 20, 2007

Home Alone

Philip took the oldest four children to 4-H, the grocery store, and CiCi's pizza. They've been gone for HOURS! Mari has a cold again and needed to stay in today. She's miserable, it seems. I have been soaking up the silence and filing my piles away in my new file drawers. This is good for the soul!

Yesterday Philip took off work after lunch to be with the kids. James and I were asked to "share" with a group of trustee wives at ETBU. He "shared" about his mission trip last summer. I "shared" thoughts and music. It went well. He has an amazing way with people. The ladies were all tripping over one another to give him the names of their daughters and granddaughters. Man, he's got that 50+ demographic locked in!

Philip and I met 6 other couples at Olive Garden last night for a big, group datenite. Yes, James had the kids. He did a great job. He had some "reinforcements" come over, but that's ok....whatever you have to do to get the job done, right? He served frozen pizza, though you can't tell anything was done in that tidy kitchen! The kids had been on restriction from electronics for the week, so when he offered a DVD, that's the last he saw of the older 4. Mari just needed to be held. He met that need until we returned. What a good night!

Mattresses across the house wait patiently for the clean, dry sheets that keep beeping in the laundry room. Bagged groceries and dirty children shall arrive any moment. Plus I've got to brush my teeth....Philip is SO getting kissed when he gets home!