For starters:
When kissing my girls good-bye, Josh’s wife, Kathy, would always say, “I love you big as the sky!” The girls learned to repeat it back to her with great enthusiasm and broad, huggy hand motions. Soon Ardyn & Ashli adopted it as their routine farewell of endearment. “See ya! I love you big as the sky!” One day, Tim called. After visiting with Ardyn for a few minutes, he heard her say, “Here’s my mom. I love you Big Ass Guy!”
Classic. Happy Birthday, Big as the sky!
Isn’t 7 like a perfect number or something? Well, I figure Tim’s been around 7 half-decades. Here’s a snapshot of words and wardrobes from the past 35 years.
Age 0-4
“We won’t get in twouble, I pwomise”
*polyester outfits that Mom sewed to match mine
Age 5-9
“Stop it! I’m Tellin! I mean it! MOM!”
“I can’t help it if my dog ate your bird.”
*Striped tube socks up to your knees and tank tops. Yes sir.
Age 10-14
“Will you pleeeeease let me sit with you and your cheerleader friends?”
“Will it burn, if you use a curling iron on my bangs?”
“We should have our own talk radio show. We’re like totally funny.”
*two words: Miami Vice
Age 15-19
“Do you need more Pepsi? (yes) Great! While you’re up, will you refill mine?”
“We should really have our own talk radio show. We’re freakin’ hilarious.”
*acid washed 501’s and Cosby sweaters transitioning into Wrangler’s & bolo ties
Age 20-24
“I’ve… got… a… Mansion… justoverthehilltopinthatbrightlandwherewe’llnevergrowold”
“Seriously, we should think about starting our own radio show. We know comedy.”
*MC Hammer pants /with Harley t-shirts
Age 25-29
“A little Texas Hold'em, anyone?”
“I was stoking the fire in my fireplace and wondered if you were enjoying this cozy June morning?”
*More Wranglers, but with hats from Aussie movies
Age 30-34
“I’ve started a Discipleship Abroad Mission Network ministry”
“Speaking of changing the subject…”
*Khaki’s and Cabela’s shirts (and I’m thinkin’ the hammer pants have not been totally retired…don’t lie)
I have to say that Tim in fact dressed stylishly much of the time, and he has indeed said many incredibly sweet things to me during our 35 year friendship. No matter the clothing or conversation, Tim has been one of my favorite people my whole life. Happy Birthday, Tim! Let’s meet halfway for some Bluebell and a beer. Kidding. You know I don’t eat ice cream anymore. I love you. Oh, and if I can't have a talk radio show with you, I simply won't have one. We are a hoot!