Cari & Josh 1976
I don't really remember July 17, 1976: the day my second brother, Joshua, was born. I suppose I was busily about nurturing dolls, playing the piano, and bothering Tim, just like a typical 5 year old sister would be. I guess I missed a lot of the fun stuff because I went off to Kindergarten before he was 2 months old. (And if Mom did what I did as a young mother of 3, I probably got sent with Dad on errands a bunch.) He was a beautiful baby...the prettiest one of us all.
Across the pages of my memory, Josh appears consistently cute, sweet, and smart. Through all stereotypical phases, he emerges...well, "golden". I guess he got spankings; I couldn't be so sure. Oh yes! When he was 2 he refused to put away his lego blocks. (I think he even told our parents 'no!') That 90 minute episode must have cured him of any further disobedience. Most likely.
The lego remained a priority as he and Tim decided to move their beds into one bedroom during elementary school. They devoted the other room to LegoLand. (I think Mom was masterminding that deal...that girl loves her some lego mansions.) A decade later, he was still building with James. I missed out on all the pop-together fun, 'cause I can't stand that stuff.
He always had cute, sweet, and smart friends, as I recall. There was the closely knit group of Pacific NW pals in the late 80's who "jammed" to DCtalk's New Thang album. Then there was the closely knit set of Texan buddies who took a Volkswagen Van to prom...seriously, like Filmore from 'Cars'. And even in the Marine Corps, he somehow found a group of comrades who met the criteria for friendship.
One day when he was a freshman in HS, we went for a walk around town; we literally walked the six mile loop around our city. I had college on the brain, so we were discussing our futures. I don't remember all that we shared, but this one comment made my year. He said (something like), "If I marry a girl like you, I'll be doing great." Golden, I tell ya!
As in all things, he aimed high and married a girl like me, but better! Kathy and I traveled together with INNERVIEW during their courtship. I remember when he was overseas, she told me she could "type a letter on the computer and he would be able to read it instantaneously"...some new-fangled gizmo called 'e-mail'. Cool!
After honeymooning forEVER in Hawaii, they returned to East Texas. Josh was THE best uncle Landen & Luke could hope for. They had a standing date for Tuesday adventures. They would eat lunch, find a park or a path, and discuss life's deeper issues. With an infant at home and another birth looming, I LIVED for Tuesdays. My brother preserved my sanity while investing in my boys. Gold, pure gold!
At 32, with a beautiful wife and a darling baby boy, the cuteness continues! As does the sweetness. He is known to pursue and promote peace with Christlike compassion and humility. And smart? There's no telling how many degrees he'll have a jolly time earning. That boy digs school, if I shared his capacity for abstract thought, I'd probably like it too.
I've spent so many years calling Josh "golden", I thought I'd see if Webster could back me up. gold-en: adj. of a high degree of excellence; superb; prosperous, highly favored; something valued as the finest of its kind. Yeppy-doodles!
Happy Birthday, Josh. Thanks for being you. I love you!