Elizabeth Anne is five years old now. She knows her letters and writes her numbers. She can fold towels and help make supper. But she has a secret.
If you know her well, or if you've seen her when she lets her hair down - literally - then you already know.
She's done it her whole life. What started out as cute, has lingered into a challenging cause for concern.
Every day, throughout the day, she sucks two fingers of her right hand while she uses her left hand to twist her hair.
The finger-sucking provides satisfaction.
The hair-twisting is comfortable when she feels anxious or bored.
She sucks until her teeth are protruding and her fingers are wrinkled; she twists until her hair knots up and is pulled out.
So with gapped teeth, she sports moist, calloused fingers on her right hand, and short, frizzy, frayed hair on her left side. And I love her to pieces!!
Every morning when I brush her hair, we discuss her dilemma.