Outside my window...
Sunshine and shadows share the grassy ground.
I am remembering...
my dad. I spend my days with four of his granddaughters who will wait a lifetime to meet him. They see glimpses of his influence through my life, but I'd love for them to personally know his warm humor and happy wit.
I am thankful for...
Skyward: an online calendar & grading report for MISD students. VERY informative and helpful.
I am creating...
sketches of a new kitchen cabinet layout. (a girl can dream:)
I am going...
to take the fellas over to some friends' house so they can help unload a moving truck. Pizza is bound to be involved.
I am reading...
Kisses from Katie, The Little Book of Talent, and Teach Your Children Well.
I am hoping...
MP3 finds joy leading worship Sunday morning.
On my mind...
teens and toddlers and in-betweens,
my inability to be in control or their actions and attitudes,
and the distinct and dire necessity for me to pray more.
From the learning rooms...
Ardyn is doing well - disciplining herself to focus and finish each day's work.
Ashlin is humbly and happily consistent with her work ... and VERY interested in Helen Keller.
Mari Alice is a math whiz, is becoming a confident reader, and her cursive is literally better every day. Elizabeth worked her illustrated phonics flash cards this week. "G. guh. gas. H. huh. hat. I. ih. ... penguin house!"
Noticing that...
our windows need.to.be.replaced. pronto.
Pondering these words...
"There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way." - CS Lewis
From the kitchen...
Freshly brewed hot tea. Otherwise, the pizza mentioned earlier provides for a night out of the kitchen. (But the chicken and rice for tomorrow's stir fry are already prepped.)
Around the house...
The boys should drive up any minute, returning from school. Ashlin is on the elliptical watching PBS. Ardyn is frantically finishing today's assignments so she can get on with her social agenda. Mari Alice is sitting beside me, coloring by number. "You're really good at that," I applaud her. "Um, not really ..." she responds, head down, coloring away. " ...They pretty much told me what to do. I'm just doing it."
One of my favorite things...
Singing in harmony. You can't possibly do it alone. It's richer and more beautiful than anything you could produce on your own. It's straight up fun.
From my picture album...
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