Giving thanks to God in community for His gifts ...
I thank God for things redeemed:
fresh baked banana bread, from "past prime" to "primo!"
hand-me-down clothes, from "too little" to "just right."
evenings when games were rained out, from "hurry up, eat! Get in the car!" to " ........ :)"
Gifts entwined:
the homemade basketball "net" Landen constructed in hard times
the wires of my ear phones, tangled sufficiently from my walk
Philip's life and mine...sometimes the hard thanks for how opposites attract:)
His promises:
He has a plan for me.
He knows that plan and will never leave me.
If He is for me, who could be against me?
Gifts uncovered:
warm, sleeping darlings as we announce a brand new day
a pot of homemade chicken and rice soup with sturdy carrots and limp translucent onions
the treasures and mysteries of God's grace
A gift heard:
Praise songs effortlessly overflowing from my young child's heart
A gift held:
Elizabeth Anne ... my "uno mas"... my sweet little caboose.
A gift hoped for:
courage to trust and obey
Things that are round:
bike tires
baseballs and bagels
the warm, fiery light of day
And gifts that are white:
the girls' Sunday sandals for a new season and a fresh start
the pile of paper that sits in my printer - useful in the waiting
my garments - post Calvary. Thank You, Jesus!