Giving thanks to God in community for His gifts ...
the title to the pick-up truck
Philip's consistent demonstration of his love through acts of service this week
Luke at 4 years old. Luke this week. Same hair.
girls that giggle around a bountiful luncheon
that deep quiet just before the toddler awakes from her nap
food offered to volunteers...a relaxing meal that redeems time and energy
Girls playing "Momma" with each other
Fellas trouble-shooting life behind closed doors
"Hello? Hey, Man...yeah...well, I'm sitting here talking about the calendar with my beautiful wife."
"There are only two kinds of men in this world: Honest men and dishonest men.
There are black men and white men and yellow men and red men, but nothing counts except whether they're honest men or dishonest men. Some men work almost entirely with their brains; some almost entirely with their hands; though most of us have to use both. But we all fall into one of the two classes - honest and dishonest.
Any man who says the world owes him a living is dishonest.
The same God that made you and me made this earth. And He planned it so that it would yield every single thing that the people on it need. But He was careful to plan it so that it would only yield up its wealth in exchange for the labor of man.
Any man who tries to share in that wealth without contributing the work of his brain or his hands is dishonest." - Ralph Moody, "Little Britches: Father and I Were Ranchers"
"We all share common frailty, but the good girl [within me] won't let me take part. She has both held me back from facing weakness and shoved me forward to fake strong. Where there is no healing, there is often a haunting. To escape the haunting, we will do one of two things: find a mask or find a healer." - Emily P Freeman, "Grace For the Good Girl"
"Therefore, I urge you, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will." - Romans 12:1-2
a baby doll tucked in tightly, wrapped in a blanket, lying on a mat beside Liz's bed
splatters of chocolate milk...messy reminders of a birthday breakfast gone a little sloppy
baskets of "school" stored neatly behind closed cabinet doors
the pile of handmade quilts folded and ready to serve...comfort, warmth, heritage
the wooden dining bench Landen made for the girls
the twist and tangles of yards of yarn that make nap time neat - Gramma's afghan