Giving thanks to God in community for His gifts ...
I am grateful...
...that He created me to be sensible and sober minded,
that occasionally, I bring about a giggle:)
and that He is REcreating me to be sensitive and drunk with joy.
...for swing sets,
and love seats,
and sweet rolls at dawn.
I thank God for...
...Ardyn saying, "I like you"...straight up, beyond self, bold and encouraging.
Ashlin offering, "I'll be glad to do it"... no matter the request.
The littlest one, in her unique, precious lisp, praying, "Dear God, thank You for today. Please help us find Mom's ring. Amen!"
...the sewing machine Philip gave me our first Christmas together,
the name-brand, ferrealzies cookie smooth and durable and easy to clean,
the bathroom body sheets that make me feel so skinny. Yay!
I'm grateful for...
..."Surprised by Joy" by CS Lewis,
the "jumbo" shells purchased by the literal-thinker, substitute grocery-shopper,
and our UNdecorated living room filled with people and possibility.
...finding a purple purse at the first place I shopped, on sale for half-price,
jalapeno pepper jelly and cream cheese,
and memories of my dad shopping with me and sharing meals.
God has poured out His kindness through...
...friends who immediately perceive my needs and set about to meet them,
friends who continue to bear my concerns long after the initial barrage of proper offers,
and friends who laugh easily...with pure hearts. I believe this to be Divine in nature.